Soooooo......what can I say about a typhoon? Well, I experienced some of Hurricane Ivan several years back while I was in Georgia, but this tyhpoon (pronounced "moo-ee-fa") was CRAZY!! We had winds of up to 98mph, but that wasn't the crazy part. The craziness was that it lasted over three days. Plus, it got more intense once the eye passed us! Overall, the island received over 40 inches of rain from this one storm. We are forever grateful for the Okinawan builders, however. Our house is new, and pretty much a "luxury bunker" for a typhoon. This place was built for this! We didn't sleep much, because the winds and debris flying around was so loud, but we didn't sustain any damage. However, our friends suffered a lot of flooding and such--especially on base. Following are some pictures showing some of the damage. Enjoy!
This is a 9 foot high fence!
And now for something completely different.....I was bored during the typhoon and made Okinawan Soba--SO YUMMY!!!!!