Being a MAJOR slacker in the Blogger department, I haven't posted since, like, forever. We have done tunz of amazing things since then and it would take me WAY too long to update everyone. With that being said, I am just going to post a bunch of random pics of places we have been recently, and hopefully this will spur me to keep this site updated more often!!! So, enjoy. . .
This tree is over 200 years old!
Neo Park feeding the birds.
A pineapple restaurant =heaven!
$20.00 pineapple parfait...well worth the price!
Why they put one of these pic ops in front of a Japanese base eludes me...
Ryukyu Glass Factory
Ryu's Dining...the owner is from Shanghai and spends his typhoons making these light creations.
Tomb of a King of the Ryukyu's, Sho Hashi
Tsuboya Pottery Village. So quaint! :)
This is just a small sampling of the many wondrous things we have seen the last few months. Ta Ta for now!